Computer Science Instructional Lab (CSIL)
Location: Engineering 1, Room 1138
Eligibility for Use: Computer Science Faculty, Staff, Students (Grads and Undergrads), and Guests
Support Contact:
Availability: *Limited Availability during Summer*
Mon - Thur: 8:30am - 2:00am
Fri: 8:30am - Midnight
Sat: 10:00am - Midnight
Sun: 10:00am - 2:00am
CSIL is the department's primary open-access facility. Computer Science students or students enrolled in classes offered by the department may use the lab. Fourty-nine computers running the Fedora 18 operating system are available 18 hours a day, for completing homework, for study, and for communicating with fellow students. Consultants are available in the late afternoon and evening hours to help new users make their way around the system. For printing needs, the E1 lab, located next to CSIL, includes a duplexing laser printer available during normal lab hours. Users are given a 125 page per quarter allotment.
CSIL Remote Access
Location: N/A
Eligibility for Use: Same as CSIL
Support Contact:
Availability: Self-Service open 24x7
To ease remote access needs in the CSIL, the department maintains a server named This server has an Intel processor with 3GB of RAM running Fedora 18. You can use this computer as your remote login box, but please be considerate of other users and minimize your individual impact on this computer.
Graduate Student Lab (GSL)
Location: Trailer 698
Eligibility for Use: Computer Science Faculty and Graduate Students
Support Contact:
Availability: Self-Service Lab open 24x7
This lab is reserved exclusively for graduate students and their work. It contains one computer running Fedora 18. There are several individual work tables and a separate, small conference room. A duplexing laser printer serves the graduate students' printing needs.