An Integrated Synchronization and Consistency Protocol for theImplementation of a High-Level Parallel Programming Language
by: Martin Rinard
This paper presents the integrated synchronization and consistency protocolused in the implementation of Jade, an implicitly parallel language forcoarse-grain parallel computation. The consistency protocol tags each replicaof shared data with a version number. The synchronization algorithm computesthe correct version numbers of the replicas of shared data that the computationwill access. Because the integrated protocol piggybacks the version numberinformation on the synchronization messages, it eliminates the excess messagetraffic characteristic of standard update and invalidate protocols. This papercharacterizes the performance impact of the consistency protocol by presentingexperimental results for several Jade applications running on the iPSC/860under several different Jade implementations. We believe that implementors ofother parallel software systems will be able to improve the efficiency of theirsystems by using similar integrated protocols.
synchronization protocol, consistency protocol
December 1995
Document: 1995-25