Transparent Gif

Department of Computer Science

University of California, Santa Barbara


ASTRAL Software Development Environment User\'s Manual

by: Paul Z. Kolano


ASTRAL is a formal specification language for real-time systems. It isintended to support formal software development and, therefore, has beenformally defined. The structuring mechanisms in ASTRAL allow one to buildmodularized specifications of complex systems with layering. A real-timesystem is modeled by a collection of state machine specifications and a singleglobal specification.The ASTRAL software development environment is an integrated set of design andanalysis tools based on the ASTRAL formal framework. The tools that make upthe support environment are a syntax-directed editor, a specificationprocessor, a verification condition generator, and a browser kit. Thisdocument describes the features and use of the ASTRAL software developmentenvironment.


Software tools, Software development environments, Real-timesystems, Formal methods, Formal specification and verification,Assertions, Temporal logic, Timing requirements, State machines,Composability, ASLAN, ASTRAL.


July 1996

Document: 1996-31

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Updated 14-Nov-2005
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